Friday, July 31, 2009


If you're discovering Scribe for the first time, welcome and enjoy the journey. If you've paid attention for a while, you'll understand that discussing the "hot button" topics is not something done very often here unless offline questions mitigate the need.

So, let's get these out of the way, shall we?


David Ortiz has made himself look pretty bad for much of the season. Sure, he's hitting much better than the Big Papi of the learly part of 2009, but that presence in the batter's box is not as intimidating as it once was. Now with the revelation that he was one of the players who tested positive for PED use in 2003, all sorts of questions and indictments are swirling about; leading some to ponder if the Boston Red Sox "sold its soul to the devil for a ring... or two".

As cliche as that all sounds, do you know what the most canned response really is? "They're all a bunch of lyin', cheatin', sons of (hey now!) only out for themselves."

Truthfully and unsurprisingly, though, there has been a collective ho-hum reaction, even with Ortiz's adamant denials of PED use. However, as mentioned when former teammate Manny Ramirez was suspended for fifty games, it's hard to get indignant when baseball (for as much as I do love the game) is a sport in which skirting the rules is in its very DNA. In this chapter of its long-storied history, however, the players, not owners, commissioners or media members, are writing the story.


So the NBA has decided to allow teams to place ads on practice jerseys and the response has been... well, some folks are getting their compression shorts in a bunch. Where was this reaction when the NFL made the same announcement weeks ago. Yes, this Scribe believes that comparing the NFL to the NBA or any other sporting entity is comparing apples to oranges; by the nature of the games played, the business decisions within each league

Yet, there's a sizable pocket of the sporting public (which includes the media) that does not see each league as separate spheres in the sports universe. What's a minor or even unimportant detail for the NFL is suddenly another black eye for the NBA? Hmmm....

Maybe that's reading too much into it, but at least Ball Don't Lie is having fun with it.

Solid work from Reading Between the Baselines


Michael Vick. There are a lot more people rooting for him than what you may be led to believe. In fact, you might be one of those who are looking forward to see him take the field this October. For those of you who are still seething that he was reinstated into the NFL, here's an attempt to quell the maelstrom.

Beyond making his life a public relations hell and essentially villifying him above those others in the league who have committed some wrongs (a handful of grave ones), what more can be done to further the point that he shamed himself? In fact, is it absolutely wrong to believe that Vick could become America's Ultimate Second Chance? I know that there are some uber-cyncial folks out there who disagree and there are several image consultants who are looking at the star-turned-felon as a perfect case study for rehabilitating a public persona, but let's understand something here: he's 29 years old.

Ideally, he has a lifetime to amend his wrongs, especially after spending time in prison and house arrest. This doesn't excuse or condone his actions as disgusting as they were. His youth is not only an advantage on the field, but in the years off of it in that while he may never be considered for any Humanitarian of the Year awards in some circles, he can be considered someone who turned his life around for the better among his family and peers.


Until the next posts, both later today. Oh, and if the Pittsburgh Pirates call, email or Tweet you, don't answer. They might trade you for a pack of hot dog buns.

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