Thursday, October 30, 2008


A quick note: It's going to be a bit slow on Scribe over the next two days as both work and Halloween have and continue to dominate the schedule. However, I wanted to take the time to formally thank and welcome some of the new readers. While I have published all comments, I have yet to respond to each one and that is not out of reluctance or disagreements. Recent comments posted here inspire more posts as opposed to my own responses as comments, therefore, expect those over the weekend.

I also wanted to give shoutouts to two of the more respected and well-known sports sites out there: Sports Media Watch and Fang's Bites. Believe me when I say that adding me to the blog roll is more than appreciated and I hope that my work can at least match the respect given by adding me to those suggested reading lists.

Finally, for those who are in the NYC vicinity, if you can find it, pick up the New York Beacon. Unfortunately, the website is not as up-to-date as it should be and my Giants articles are rarely, if at all, added. However, while A Sports Scribe is my calling card (literally, it's on my freelance sportswriter business cards), the Beacon is where my 'legit' work lies.

Many thanks and go steal some candy from the kids. I know I will.

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