Friday, April 30, 2010

Got Some Catching Up to Do

Almost a month since the last post is a crying shame. However, time off from classes and Scribe just meant that it was being spent elsewhere.

Here are the two latest contributions to The Perpetual Post (Twitter);
  • Jessica Bader and I discussed a topic covered in this space before; the paucity of African-American players in Major League Baseball. Yet, we covered where college recruitment stands in this issue
  • Howard Megdal and I revisited another long-standing baseball controversy; was it Walter O'Malley's fault that the Dodgers left Brooklyn for Los Angeles or 'master builder' (be mature) Robert Moses
Meanwhile, the May Edition of Norman Einstein's Magazine is promising to be another goodie, but many of you might want to revisit April's where I gave advice to novice sports fans, notably women who want to become more familair with the games beyond what may be expected of them.

Usually, there's a follow-up for each contribution and there was one that has been sitting in draft for weeks. While there won't be for the May edition, the follow-up for April will be ready for your eyes on Monday. Why? Well, many folks already started their weekends, but also, there's enough stuff for you to read, isn't there?

Meanwhile, always keep an eye on Scribe's Twitter page.

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